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In April, the ANIMATED FORMS FAIR, promotes a meeting of puppeteers in the city of SP, to promote conversations about the panorama of Animated Forms theater. All PRESENTATIONS WILL BE FREE, at the city's cultural facilities.

Discover the project and check out the full agenda! Click the button below for more information.



StAy TuNeD

Coming soon news about the fourth edition of the Animated Forms Fair.


AbOuT Us

The ANIMATED FORMS FAIR is an idealization of the Animated Forms Reference Center. The CRFA is a space for meetings and reflections to promote Brazilian research, strengthen its actions and enhance exchanges with other countries that have been researching Puppet Theater for over a century. In 2021, the center started its experimental creation classes in Animated Forms, offering specialized workshops in Puppet Theater, a Scenic Exhibition with students and guest artists, in addition to this festival to enhance the actions of this cultural segment in the country. Also visit the CRFA website: crfa.com.br


Curadora Sandra Vargas

Sandra Vargas


Graduated from the University of Rio de Janeiro, SANDRA VARGAS is one of the founders of SUPERVENTO, having directed some of the shows in the repertoire Esteve was nominated, in 1989, for Best Actress and Best Actress for the Mambembe and Coca-Cola Awards. In 2000, she won the APCA Award (from the Paulista Association of Art Critics) for Best Actress. He performed with SUPERVENTO in 23 Brazilian states and in countries on 4 continents. She works as an actress, playwright and manipulator in almost all of Sobrevento's shows and is responsible for curating numerous international festivals, such as FITO – Festival Internacional de Teatro de Objetos. It also promoted lectures, round tables and workshops (aimed at teachers, children, young people or theater professionals) in various areas of Animation Theatre. He is responsible for training and improving many puppeteers, in addition to guiding theater companies from several states in the country that seek to approach the Theater of Animation or deepen in the Theater of Objects.

Curador Fábio Supérbi

Fábio Supérbi


He is a storyteller and puppeteer. He works with traditional tales, memory, letters and literature. He participated in groups such as Núcleo Vendaval and Coletivo de Ventiladores. He is also a creative partner of Cia O Que de Que.

He holds a master's degree from the Institute of Arts of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), with a focus on Theater for Children. He graduated in 2004, from the same University, in the area of ​​Performing Arts.

He crossed the sea to tell and listen to stories, today he lives in Lisbon where he develops his research and creations.

Curador Rodrigo Andrade

Rodrigo Andrade


Founder of O QUE DE QUE, he has more than 20 years of experience in Teatro das Formas Animadas. He has participated in festivals in Brazil, Russia, Holland, Spain, Turkey, Albania, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Venezuela and Ecuador. Co-produced and idealized the FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL ROTAS de Teatro de Bonecos in the city of Assis/SP in 2014.

Awards: Silver Medal for Best Actor at the Ha Nói Festival, Awarded in Russia and Kazakhstan and the only Brazilian artist to open an edition of the Obraztsov Theater Festival, the largest puppet theater in the world, in Moscow.

Andrade is the creator of the Feira das Formas Animadas de SP and CRFA.




Rodrigo Andrade


Sandra Vargas, Fábio Superbi and Rodrigo Andrade


Danilo Cardoso


Daniela Crivellaro


Toni D’Agostinho


William Germano


Animated Forms Fair


C.R.F.A., O QUE DE QUE, UM EIGHT Produções Artísticas, Terceira Via and Municipal Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo

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